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ESWE Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH/

Funicular #1

10 September 2008 - Wiesbaden (DE) – Nerobergbahn. The water is released at the bottom station by opening a valve on the car – it’s collected under the track and pumped back to the top station, ready to be used again. I’m surprised that some local comedian hasn’t thought about adding detergent (or some goldfish) to see what happens!
Autor: dvigar
10 September 2008 - Wiesbaden (DE) – Nerobergbahn. Car 1 climbs up from the bottom station across the impressive viaduct.
Autor: dvigar

Funicular #2

10 September 2008 - Wiesbaden (DE) – Nerobergbahn. I’m not sure if this belongs here, but it’s urban transport – the metre-gauge Nerobergbahn dates from 1888 and runs from Wiesbaden to the top of a hill overlooking the city. Its operated by the local bus company. The line is a rare survivor of a cable operated, water balanced funicular – water tanks underneath the two cars are filled at the top and the extra weight takes the car downhill, controlled by just a hand brake and a centre rack rail. At the bottom of the incline is this impressive viaduct. The ‘driver’ is here applying the brake as the car nears the lower station.
Autor: dvigar
10 September 2008 - Wiesbaden (DE) – Nerobergbahn. The mid-way passing loop – here you can see the track construction and the little goods platform at the front of the car. Only three rails are needed at the top and bottom of the line, as cars can only pass here and nowhere else.
Autor: dvigar


