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Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH/

Gmeinder 130PS #350

7 September 2008 - Mannheim (DE) – Kafertal, zajezdnia/depot OEG. A diesel locomotive for use when the power is switched off. Although (like all OEG equipment) it’s kept in first class condition, its position right at the back of the shed suggests that it isn’t used much.
Autor: dvigar

Gmeinder 130PS #V-01

7 September 2009 - Mannheim (DE) – Kafertal, zajezdnia/depot OEG. The RHB also had its own diesel locomotive, which is now part of the RNV combined stock. I don’t know its new RNV number, though, as in 2008 it was still known as V-01 – it will now be in the 435n series, I expect. It’s now based at the old OEG workshops at Kafertal.
Autor: dvigar
Kommentare: 1


